Unique solutions to fit you and your production
Feed materials
Milk Replacers
Piglet Feed
Acid products
Animal Groups
PremiumMilk Pro
Choose the best solution for your milk feeding system. When you choose PremiumMilk Pro, you get a milk product of a very high quality.
- 100% milk protein
- With added vitmanis, minerals and acid
CupMilk Pro
This solution is meant to be used in a through.
- Added acid and aroma
- Large proportion of highly refined babyfeed
milk powder from milk and whey powder
UniqMilk Pro
Choose this solution for your milk feeding system. When you choose UniqMilk Pro, you get a milk product with uniform composition.
- 100% milk protein ensures maximum
digestibility for the piglet right from the
beginning - High-quality fat
LuxMilk Pro
Your optimal and safe solution for milk feeding system. With LuxMilk Pro you make sure that your piglets always have access to fresh milk .
- Tasty and easily digestible milk proteins that
ensure optimal growth - Large proportion of skimmed milk powder
Stjerne Care 2
The number of live-born piglets has steadily increased in recent years, and more live-born piglets mean more small suckling piglets and weaned pigs.
- Heat-treated grain
- 19% milk with high protein content
- 125g digestible crude protein
- For pigs 4-6kg
A blend composed of a wide range of protein sources
including Fishmeal and Hp300. In addition, 10% of the
protein comes from milk proteins, with a total of 12% milk guaranteed.
- 169g/kg of digestible crude protein
- Progress
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- For pigs 4-8kg
Crunch Care 2
This composition ensures that there is almost no protein of vegetable origin added resulting in a very low content of digestive disruptors. High energy contents compensate for the small stomach volume.
- Plasma
- 19% of milk products
- Probiotics
- For pigs 4-6kg
When we compose the mineral mix for your animals, we find out which ingredients are available to you and base our choice on that information, amongst other things.
- Low feed consumption
- High daily growth level
At DanVit, we base our decisions on the actual conditions of each livestock.
- Healthy finances
- Low feed consumption and high daily growth level
Formic acid 78%
Formic acid is used if you have HACCP because this is the cheapest way of reducing pH in wet feed and fighting salmonella.
- Use 0.1-0.25% in wet feed and 0.5-1.0% in dry feed
- Formic acid is an admixture for feed and must not be used in drinking water
DanVit FarmAcid
DanVit FarmAcid is used to lower the pH in feed and fight salmonella.
- Admixture feed that does not require HACCP.
- DanVit FarmAcid is used to lower the pH in feed and fight salmonella.
- Admixture feed that does not require HACCP.
DanVit ProAcid
DanVit ProAcid contains 10% propionic acid. DanVit ProAcid reduces the growth of mould, bacteria and yeast, at the same time minimising the loss of amino acids.
- Amongst other things, this product contains 10% propionic acid.
- This is an admixture feed that does not require HACCP.
Increase the pigs’ appetite using a fantastic product that is simply added to the feed mixes. Used as a sweet and energy-rich ingredient in feed mixes for sows and piglets in order to increase feed absorption.
- More energy for the sows during farrowing.
- Good start in life after weaning.
PiggySoy is a gentle protein source for piglets consisting of processed soy.
- High-quality SPC for piglets at an extremely competitive price.
- Through the special production process, this product has a distinctive taste that the animals like.
ProtaSoy is a modern fish meal replacer that offers the piglets the best start in life. Save money on the mixes for your piglets without compromising on quality or content.
- 11 lbs (5 kg) ProtaSoy replaces 8.8 lbs (4 kg) fish meal and 2.2 lbs (1 kg) cereals.
- Digestible protein sources, amino acids and minerals.
DanKick Live
DanKick is a liquid supplement for piglets and it ensures that more piglets survive the first few days following birth.
- This unique mix contains highly effective energy matters such as fatty acids, vitamins and intestine flora stabilisers, and these elements ensure that the newborn piglets are off to a good start in life.
Staldren® is a hygiene product in powder form that neutralises a wire range of smells, bacteria, moisture and fungal spores.
- Efficient bactericidal disinfectant
- Staldren® does not give off dust, it is moisture-absorbing and it reduces bad smells by binding the ammonia.
DanVit carries out toxicity tests in cooperation with leading international partners.
- Toxin binder with a wide range of applications.
SowFarTabs contribute to ensuring that the farrowing goes according to plan. The unique composition behind SowFarTabs of organically bound minerals, amongst other things, provides a contraction-stimulation effect that assists in ensuring a good farrowing.
- SowFarTabs are easy to use and dose – perfect for a busy schedule.
- Use it during the last six days leading up to expected farrowing
High-quality soured milk product for piglets. YoghurLac is a concentrated and energy-rich soured milk product in powder form that you just mix with lukewarm water.
- YoghurLac improves digestion and the production economy.
- Stirred YoghurLac has a yoghurt-like texture.
DanTabs ensure large, homogeneous, live-born piglets. The unique composition behind DanTabs, including organically bound minerals amongst other things, increases the blood supply to the uterus.
OptiJern provides optimal haemoglobin levels and is simultaneously acidified with a drinking iron solution, which contains easily absorbed iron-Lactate, organic acids and electrolytes.
- Used for lactating piglets from day 1 to day 24 during the weaning period
- Ensures optimal haemoglobin level
Perfect Alka
Alkaline cleaning agent with chlorine that can be used for milk facilities.
- Used in a 1% solution.
- Detailed guidance before use.
Disinfectant for milk facilities
- Disinfectant based on peracedic acid
- Used for cleaning milk facilities in a 0.3% solution.
We are aware that for you as a pig farmer it is very important that the sow provides plenty of milk and has a high conception rate.
- We offer continuous follow-up checks of your feed consumption at the farm compared to your feed budget.
- Let DanVit optimise your feed so that you can optimise your production.
It is vital that your piglets are off to a good start in life.
In order to obtain healthy and strong piglets, it is important that you offer them the best start in life.
- We offer continuous follow-up checks of your feed consumption at the farm compared to your feed budget.
- Let DanVit optimise your feed so that you can optimise your production.
Slaughter Pigs
When producing slaughter pigs, it is essential to optimise feed and feed utilisation in order to ensure the best possible production value.
- We offer continuous follow-up checks of your feed consumption at the farm compared to your feed budget.
- Let DanVit optimise your feed so that you can optimise your production.
Did you know that we deliver fully automated milk facilities?
We are happy to assist
0045 7070 1540
DanVit A/S
Borumvej 51
DK-8381 Tilst
Tlf: 45 7070 1540