
DanCalf 60

DanCalf® 60 is a starter milk for small calves.

DanVit has developed this mixture for the very young calves, based on professional recommendations. DanCalf® 60 contains min. 60% skimmed milk powder.

Only dairy products are added to the mixture. Today we see that many milk substitutes, are added a proportion of vegetable protein, wheat, soy, etc., but the very small calves can’t take advantage of it. In addition, DanCalf® 60 is also fortified with natural vitamin E, which is of great importance for the calves immune system.

As a fat source, DanCalf® 60 only contains coconut / palm oil.
Lactic acid bacteria and acid mixture are also added to the mixture to give your calves the absolute best start.

DanCalf 60


High proportion of skimmed milk powder
Added vitamins and minerals
Specially selected fat sources


Use the first 3 days to step up the calf to the full amount of milk and use colostrum / transition milk here.


IMPORTANT! Use 140 gr. Milk powder / liter of water. The milk must be 40 degrees warm when feeding. This also applies to the water that is offered to the calves afterwards.

Feed plan for calf breeding

Recommendation, large breed (jersey):
Colostrum 4-6 liters within the first 3-4 hours after birth
0-4 weeks: 8-10 (5-7) liters of milk per. calf pr. day
5-7 weeks: 5-6 (3–4) liters of milk per calf pr. day
Gradual reduction from high to moderate amount of milk, e.g. by one liter per. day
Only one daily milk feeding the last week before weaning
Or give the calf milk equal to 20% of the calf’s body weight for the first 4 weeks, step down to 10% at the 5th week and wean over 7-10 days at the age of 6 weeks


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